Tag Archives: bus

Persad Center

15 Aug

What is the name of the provider you saw?

What is the name of the practice?
Persad Center

Where is the provider located?

What type of medicine does the provider practice?

Would you recommend this provider to others?

Why did you see this provider?

Was the provider affordable?
Yes, I’m uninsured and make <$20,000/yr, so services are comped by the county.

Please describe your experience with the provider named above:
She’s great, and has particular strength working with family issues.

Please describe the accessibility of the practice for you:
The front door is accessible–I always take the stairs up to the second floor. So I’m not sure. It’s super-accessible by public transit, though–you can take the 88, 87, or even 86 to get there. Gender-neutral bathrooms.

Good with certain populations?